O que somos

EME>>, Estúdio Móvel Experimental, é uma residencia móvel de pesquisa integrada em meio ambiente e sustentabilidade, entre arte, ciência e tecnologia. O projeto tem duas funções principais: seu design ser ecológico, isto é, desenvolver a máquina para que seja coerente ao meio ambiente e abrir espaço para artistas desenvolverem ações artísticas em sítios específicos. Este projeto é direcionado como uma plataforma interdisciplinar de pesquisa com foco na Mata Atlântica e sustentabilidade.

Os artistas e pesquisadores residentes no EME>> visitarão alguns municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro também como festivais de arte, mídia e exposições. Uma de suas funções é alcancar público por meio de intervenções urbanas, publicações, documentação e interação utilizando plataformas de novas mídias como internet e redes sociais. Através deste projeto multidisciplinar pretende-se enfatizar a conscientização ambiental, histórica e artística do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

EME >> Estúdio Móvel Experimental is a mobile residency working in a platform between art and science researching the natural environment and sustainability. EME >> has two main functions: as a customized camper van that is designed to be ecological, i.e., to adapt its machinery to the natural environment; and also as a mobile studio that can support facilities to explore the urban and natural environment, realize public/ live arts and educational events around the Guanabara Bay in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It opens space for artists and researchers to use the EME>> machine as a tool for communication and interface their work, the natural environment and the audience.

6 de set. de 2009

Fabric of Species

Ivan Henriques & Silvia Leal

A research group led by an ecologist called Cinthia Brasileiro, from UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo) has developed a new theory about genetics explaining the origins of Mata Atlântica and its biodiversity. Groups of animals of this ecosystem are diverse because of this “refuge” which is located throughout the southeastern coast of Brazil. It is a unique natural shelter that has developed over the past 12 millions years.

The secret of this refuge, as described in Brasileiro’s thesis, is that this is an ecosystem which has never suffered from drought, cold seasons nor oscillations of sea level. Its diversity of life in such rich circumstances has always tended to increase, and could easily be compared to as an ‘Ever Green Land’ as Sergio Buarque de Hollanda’s writes in his book ‘Vision of Paradise’.

Mata Atlântica protects and regulates water sources which supplies the main metropolis of the country and hundred of cities. It controls the local climate, and guarantees fertile soil and its extraordinary beautiful landscape.

The Mata Atlântica today is under an accelerated process of destruction, which spans over the past 50 years. It is a process that favors the expansion of farming, agriculture, property development and industry. clip_image002

INPE / SOS Mata Atlântica

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