O que somos

EME>>, Estúdio Móvel Experimental, é uma residencia móvel de pesquisa integrada em meio ambiente e sustentabilidade, entre arte, ciência e tecnologia. O projeto tem duas funções principais: seu design ser ecológico, isto é, desenvolver a máquina para que seja coerente ao meio ambiente e abrir espaço para artistas desenvolverem ações artísticas em sítios específicos. Este projeto é direcionado como uma plataforma interdisciplinar de pesquisa com foco na Mata Atlântica e sustentabilidade.

Os artistas e pesquisadores residentes no EME>> visitarão alguns municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro também como festivais de arte, mídia e exposições. Uma de suas funções é alcancar público por meio de intervenções urbanas, publicações, documentação e interação utilizando plataformas de novas mídias como internet e redes sociais. Através deste projeto multidisciplinar pretende-se enfatizar a conscientização ambiental, histórica e artística do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

EME >> Estúdio Móvel Experimental is a mobile residency working in a platform between art and science researching the natural environment and sustainability. EME >> has two main functions: as a customized camper van that is designed to be ecological, i.e., to adapt its machinery to the natural environment; and also as a mobile studio that can support facilities to explore the urban and natural environment, realize public/ live arts and educational events around the Guanabara Bay in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It opens space for artists and researchers to use the EME>> machine as a tool for communication and interface their work, the natural environment and the audience.

17 de set. de 2009

Oi de Inglaterra

Greetings from Nottingham, England.

We have been following EME along the journey and keeping in conversation with Silvia and Ivan via Skype as we hope to be joining the van in November on future journeys.

It is very exciting to be invited along, whilst sitting in our office in England looking out on the grey skies and imagining that we are bouncing around in the van too.

We have several ideas of how we hope to interact with EME in the future and potentially link up with our research from the Dark Forest project we are currently doing with Mobilefest and the Mixed Reality Lab (University of Nottingham). As part of this project we are working in the Mata Atlantica region around Mogi Das Cruzes, Sao Paulo state and also in Sherwood Forest which is the forest region around Nottingham where we live - the home to the world famous Robin Hood.

At the moment we doing research around sensing the forests using sensor devices that capture data on humidity, temperature, decibels, light and photos. One of our ideas is to make the van into a mobile sensor unit, that capture all types of data as it travels around and we can look at some new ways to visualise this data.

Today, whilst Silvia and Ivan travel to the Port of Estrela we are going to Sherwood Forest to collect some more data around the old oak trees (that are between 800 - 1000 years old) we hope to chat to them on skype when we are there and video conference between the two places. We will also be filming and will record a video message from the forest for this blog and the dark forest blog. We are also meeting with the forest manager and if you have any questions you want us to ask her about the forest and to link into what is being discussed on this blog with what we are talking about here then please leave a comment for us. More information about Sherwood Forest can be found here - the forest has many things in common withe Mata Atlantica, despite the difference in scale, climate and ecology...
We have some questions that relate to both forest areas:
1. How do we visualise the future of our forests
2. How do we think we can work with young people to keep them interested in looking after the forest regions
3. What ways can humans and the technology we are inventing can help us live with our forests now?

My apologies for writing in English, my Portuguese is still very basic!

Rachel Jacobs, Active Ingredient

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